Everfocus introduced the EAC-10N Series: Empowering Smart Factories, Transportation, and Security
イベント2024/05/13Everfocus introduced the EAC-10N Series: Empowering Smart Factories, Transportation, and Security
イベント2023/04/18AIoTセキュリティソリューションの大手ロバイダーである EverFocus Electronics Corporation(TWSE: 5484)が今年5月10日から12日まで開催されるAI・人工知能EXPOに出展します(南展示棟:ブース位置の番号は#2-36です。
Webinar│Achieving Smart Factory by AI Platform
イベント2022/11/02We are honored to be joined by T-DAB.AI to introduce their unique AI platform OctaiPipe on how businesses can realize the transformative power of edge AI using AIoT data on the EverFocus Jetson Nano series hardware in the smart factory.